Do you know HOW you learn?

By Tyndale University College Modified on September 07, 2012
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Tyndale University CollegeDo you re-read notes? Skim over things highlighted? Maybe, you’re in a study group, hoping to pick up information.
Tyndale University College runs study skills workshops each year. It helps students learn how they best take in and retain information so they can study smarter, not longer.

Here are 4 learning types and some tips.

Visual learners remember the information from an infographic not an article. You’re easily distracted by movement or items out of place, so have a space just for learning.When taking notes -use descriptive language and draw pictures or symbols for words.

Audio learners learn best through sound. Background music will help you when studying. Record lectures, making some sort of sound to ‘highlight’ important points. Also,using rhymes or songs will help you remember.

Reading and writing learners should definitely take notes because re-reading them will help. If this is how you learn, make sure you use lists - putting information into categories and read your textbooks.

Kinesthetic learners often use gestures. You will remember what you did and use all your senses when learning. Plus, real-life examples keep you interested and you like trying things. When learning, try and move - chew gum, doodle, use a squeeze toy.

Tyndale University College works with students. Small class sizes ensure professors know their students. Counselling services puts on workshops and is available when people feel overwhelmed. Tyndale’s writing centre helps students hand in a well-written essay. Career? Calling? Life? Be Prepared. Come to Tyndale.

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