Don’t Fear the Unknown

By Brescia University College Modified on July 31, 2012
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By: Samantha Goverde


Brescia University CollegeFear and excitement – the two words that define your life from the moment you accept your offer of admissions to the moment you move in. Fear of a new place, new faces, new experiences and a whole world of unknowns; and excitement for all the same reasons.

At Brescia University College, you can say goodbye to that fear almost instantly. As soon as you arrive on campus, you are greeted by an amazing group of Sophs – upper year student volunteers who run Orientation Week. They guide you through what you will remember fondly as the best week of your university experience.

After O-Week, the only thing that changes is that concerts and carnivals are replaced by classes and various social and academic events hosted by the Student Life Centre, Brescia University College Students’ Council, and the many other groups at Brescia. The atmosphere remains, the Sophs are still here supporting you, and the faculty and staff are nothing short of fantastic.

The best part of Brescia is the familiarity. Inside of a month, your professors know you by name, you’ve made a ton of friends, and most important it feels like home. The classroom environment is targeted specifically at teaching women in the way they learn best. Discussions, teamwork, and experiential learning form the backbone of the classroom experience at Brescia.

Brescia is also a place where, like it or not, you will become a leader. Endless opportunities can be found behind every door – students’ council, clubs, volunteering, and even an Alternative Spring Break program all await you.

At the end of your first year, you will realize that you are no longer that frightened high school girl who walked onto campus the first day. You are “Brescia Bold” – confident, passionate, and ready to take on the world.

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