Get Career Clarity with Information Interviews

By University of Ontario Institute of Technology Modified on March 13, 2012
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By: Margot McKinlay, Career Counsellor


The effort and focus necessary to successfully complete university courses can come as a shock and affect even the most dedicated student. Universities strive to support students to meet academic challenges and, to instill both the willingness to make the necessary sacrifices and the determination to succeed. Often what‘s needed most to infuse students’ motivation is encouragement and the tools to identify career goals.

One common tool for career decision - making suggested by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology’s (UOIT) Career Services is an information interview. This is a formal, two-way conversation like a job interview but the object is to gather information about occupations or organizations rather than to secure employment. People are often willing to grant these interviews if they know that students are not angling for jobs. Approaching people to discuss their work life is an effective way to gain clarity about the reality of jobs,allowing you to build professional relationships and learn first-hand what qualifications, training and education are preferred.

Students are advised to be prepared and research positions and organizations ahead of interviews, to compile a list of specific questions beforehand and to make note of responses. Common questions ask for details of a typical work day, for the best and worst things about the occupation, about preparation for this type of work and what personal qualities are of value. It’s acceptable to ask about salary range but it’s inappropriate to leave your resume unless asked.

Students should reflect on their interviews and ask themselves whether the information gathered leaves them feeling confident that they suit the occupation. First impressions are important; students are encouraged to send a thank you note detailing what they found most interesting or helpful. This gesture will often pave the way for future contact and is an indication of professionalism.

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