ICS Canada: A Valuable, Debt-Free Education.

By ICS Canada Modified on February 09, 2012
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Have you heard this story before...

“Sally” knows how important an education is, so she wants to get a quality education that will enable her to start a career doing something she loves after she graduates. She becomes a dedicated student, focused on graduating and she looks forward to starting the next stage of her life. Now, after graduating, Sally’s faced with seemingly insurmountable student loan payments. She finds she’s working just to make her payments. She’s frustrated and demoralized.

There is a way to avoid falling into this all-too-common trap. It is possible to get a debt-free education. ICS Canada, Canada’s largest school of independent online study, offers a payment program that will allow you to graduate DEBT FREE!

ICS Canada’s tuition is among the lowest of all career schools. We offer 0% APR financing and customized monthly payment plans, so, when you graduate, your tuition is paid with no loans to pay back. With ICS Canada, a savings offer is also available. All your books, study guides, and learning aids are included in your tuition, so there are no extra costs. And, because your lessons can be completed online, you even save gas on your commute.

ICS Canada offers over 50 vocational programs and 18 certificate programs in the areas of health care, education, technology, business, legal studies, design, and automotive technology. ICS Canada also offers a high school diploma program.

For more information on ICS Canada or to enrol, go to http://www.icslearn.ca.

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