Student-to-Student: Top 10 Tips on Staying Financially Afloat at College

By Lethbridge College Modified on December 13, 2011
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By: Lisa Kozleski


Alex Kulas, president of the Lethbridge College Students’ Association, gave some good advice on money matters this fall in Perspectives, the college’s student blog. Here are her top ten tips.

  1. Write it down
    List your expenses and your income on paper. Seeing how you spend your money can show you where you could be saving.

  2. Organize your income
    Plan for student loans and your paydays. Consider putting money for rent into a separate account that you don’t touch on a day-to-day basis.

  3. Maximize your income
    Work – but don’t work too much. Experts say that while in school you should not exceed 15 hours a week for a healthy balance in your life.

  4. Get help
    Most colleges and universities have many resources for you including finance offices, student associations, and scholarships and awards.

  5. Get a discount
    Look for store flyers, shop on discount days, and see if your college or university has a discount card.

  6. Learn to cook
    Eating out isn’t cheap. Learning how to cook and eat at home is better for your wallet and your health.

  7. Turn items you don’t need into cash
    Have something you never use? Try selling it on Kijiji or Ebay, and sell your textbooks back at the end of the semester.

  8. Manage your debt
    You will be offered student overdrafts, student credit cards and student storecards but think carefully before you accept any of them.

  9. Keep tabs on your spending
    Bank online, read your statements, look at receipts, save your change in a jar, compare prices in the supermarket and don’t take out more than you need from the cash machine.

  10. Avoid unnecessary expenses
    Make sure you really need it before you buy it.

Click here for information on financial services at Lethbridge College. You will find details about financing your education at Lethbridge College as well as an online Budget Wizard to help you make sense of the cost – and value – of a Lethbridge College education.

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