Online & Interactive: The Algonquin College Career Explorer Helps with Program Selection

By Algonquin College Modified on November 15, 2011
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For prospective students, choosing a career, courses and a campus can be a difficult exercise in navigation. With an expanding roster of subjects and learning options, an online, interactive tool helps provide direction - adding focus, saving time and resources. The aptly named Algonquin College Career Explorer does just that.

The Career Explorer is a quick and easy-to-use tool for exploring career and college choices based on a student's strengths and likes. A student simply agrees or disagrees with 24 statements about themselves. The Explorer matches the responses to dominant interest areas - artistic, social, investigative, entrepreneurial, conventional or realistic - and, in turn, defines areas of study most suited to the participant, selecting from over 170 programs offered at Algonquin College's three campuses.

At the conclusion of an Explorer session, the student can book a counselling session.

The entire Explorer experience is designed to make career and course selection truly interactive, fun and efficient.

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