Setting Yourself Up for Success - Scholarships & Bursaries

By Seneca College Modified on April 12, 2011
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Post-secondary financial aid comes in many forms. There are scholarships and bursaries available for incoming and current students based on many different criteria including financial need, background, program of study and career path.

Recently, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) pledged $20,000 to provide financial assistance to Seneca College’s Métis students.

The new MNO Award is intended to encourage Métis individuals within Ontario to pursue career-focused post-secondary studies with funds to be matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support.

“We are pleased to have the Métis Nation of Ontario invest in the success of Seneca students,” said Seneca College President David Agnew. “By working together, Seneca and the Métis Nation of Ontario can provide more access to education to help students develop the skills and expertise necessary for today’s careers.”

In order to be eligible for the award, students must show academic promise and have a demonstrated financial need. In addition, applicants are encouraged to provide information about their active role in the Métis community and any humanitarian or volunteer efforts. 

“Four per cent of Seneca’s full-time student population is Aboriginal,” said Mark Solomon, Manager of Student Development. “This new award acknowledges the unique needs of Métis students and will help them to achieve their academic and career goals.”

For more information on the financial aid options at Seneca College, visit:

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By Emily Milic
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