What job will I pursue with my degree? Will I be successful in getting a job in my chosen field?

By Tyndale University College Modified on January 19, 2011
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Questions, questions, questions - life is a series of questions that need to be answered for sure. 

To get help with the above questions, look no further than your school’s career centre.

Consider what Anne Markey, Editor of Career Options Magazine says, “Your number one back-to-school activity as a career seeker?  Visit your career centre.”

Find out what resources are available to you.  Find out when career fairs will be held.  Arrange for your resume to be critiqued, or consider a mock interview for those upcoming interviews.

In addition, look at the career centre website for tips and techniques on your job search, including workshop schedules on job search skills. 

Finally, connect with your career advisor to discuss your issues and concerns, in person if possible.  The career advisor in your career centre has a wealth of information to pass on to you, both in experience and current best practices that you, the job seeker, will need to stay current and be successful.

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