Looking for Work?

By University of Alberta Modified on June 11, 2010
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Here are some tips from the career services office, CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre, at the University of Alberta:

• Have an updated resume on hand: When you are putting together your resume, you should include volunteer positions and extracurricular activities, in addition to your paid work. These activities can be things you have been involved with at school or outside of school, such as student clubs, sports, music, dance, community groups, etc. Make sure your resume shows your strengths and skills, and is presented in a clear and concise format.

• Gather your references: Many employers ask for references or reference letters before making a job offer, so it is best to have them ready ahead of time. Good references include not only past employers but also teachers and leaders of groups you have been involved with (i.e. coaches).

• Remember the importance of networking: Most people found out about the job they have through someone else, so let people know that you are looking for work and the type of work you are looking for. Often the best job leads come from connections outside a person’s inner circle - tell your family and friends, but also teachers, coaches and friends’ parents that you are looking for work.

• Participate in an internship or co-op working opportunity:  The University of Alberta offers working experience in most of our degree programs!  Get the edge over other graduates by entering the work force with real work under your belt!  Visit our Faculty websites to learn more about work opportunities within each of our degree programs.

Contact Information:
CAPS – Your U of A Career Centre
(780) 492-4291

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