TIP Camp - the time of your life

By Trent University Modified on May 07, 2009
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From Trent University


As a smaller, student-centred university, Trent prides itself on establishing a personal connection with each and every one of our international students. We start things right by making sure we're there at the airport in Toronto to meet you when you arrive in Canada. Then, instead of sending you immediately into the chaos of first week of classes on an unfamiliar campus, we've developed a program designed to get you out into the Canadian wilderness and to prepare for success at Trent. It's called the Trent International Program Camp - or TIP Camp for short.

Each year in early September incoming international Trent students from all around the world take part in TIP Camp. It's a three-day camp involving staff, faculty, and other volunteers. Upper year Trent students, Canadian and international, who have faced the same transition experience as you, volunteer their time to help you connect to new friends and share tips for making the most of your first year. International program staff offer sessions on course registration, immigration matters, working in Canada, and adjusting to life in Peterborough. We invite Canadian musicians to attend to teach you Canadian music. All students and staff live for the three days in cabins beside a lake. You'll also have lots of free time to hike a Canadian forest, swim, look at the stars, sing around a campfire, and even learn to canoe!

TIP Camp is one example of how Trent works hard to prepare you to be your very best at university. All program staff, faculty, and student volunteers look forward to welcoming you to TIP Camp this September. For more information, contact www.trentu.ca/international.

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