Hot Careers in Canada

With the instability of the global economy, planning for your future career is more important than ever before.

Using the Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS) created by the Government of Canada, we have created the following list of the hottest careers for the next 8 years. Start planning for an exciting career pathway in an industry that is thriving and growing!

If you're not sure which career is right for you, start with our Career Quiz!

Career Categories Estimated Entry-Level Salary* Average Annual Salary (2010-2011, National)**
Managers in Protective Service $34,870 $81,515
Supervisors, Mining/Oil/Gas $53,500 $72,300
Nurse Supervisors and Registered Nurses $33,449 $69,243
Human Resources and Business Service Professionals $37,930 $69,035
Auditors/Accountants/Investment Professionals $30,433 $63,835
Supervisors, Logging and Forestry $38,129 $53,684
Administrative and Regulatory Occupations $30,498 $48,006
Logging Machinery Operators $34,401 $45,801
Finance and Insurance Administrative Occupations $24,779 $45,739
Insurance and Real Estate Sales Occupations $26,340 $45,739
Technical Occupations: Libraries/Archives/etc $29,382 $42,640
Administrative Support Clerks $24,608 $42,286
Contractors/Operators/Supervisors: Agriculture $21,217 $40,102
Secretaries, Recorders & Transcriptionists $21,023 $39,457
Travel/Accommodation/Recreation Attendants $21,371 $36,067
Upholsterers/Tailors/Shoe Repairers/etc. $23,947 $31,720
Cleaners $20,282 $31,532

Good luck with your adventure and keep exploring a number of occupations. You never know where you might end up!


*Estimated Entry-Level Salary provided by

** Average Yearly Salary (2010-2011, National) provided by StatsCan, Labour Force Survey, CANSIM table 282-0023.