Careers in Communications

Here are the careers listed for the "Communications" category. To view a detailed profile, including wages, educational requirements and job outlook, click on the career name.

17 Careers Require Graduate Education

  Career Hot Careers Average Salary Salary Change Find Graduate Schools
Actors and Comedians
Actors and comedians perform roles in motion picture, television, theatre and radio productions to entertain a variety of audiences.
$28,000 - 24
Advertising Managers
Advertising, marketing, public relations and e-business managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of establishments and dep...
$48,080 - 50
Announcers and other broadcasters read news, sports, weather, commercial and public service messages and host entertainment and information programs f...
$32,500 - 27
Audio and Video Recording Technicians
Audio and video recording technicians operate equipment to record, mix and edit sound, music and videotape, for motion pictures, television and radio ...
$34,000 - 9
Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists
Audiologists diagnose, evaluate and treat individuals with peripheral and central hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems. Speech-language patholo...
$54,000 - 23
Authors and Writers
Authors and writers plan, research and write books, scripts, storyboards, plays, essays, speeches, manuals, specifications and other non-journalistic ...
$34,278 - 5
Cinematographers work in television and film. They manage the art or technique of shooting motion pictures, which may involved the choice of film, cam...
$61,381 +12.42% 41
Directors interpret scripts, select casts and direct performers and other aspects of productions.
$61,381 +12.42% 44
Editors review, evaluate and edit manuscripts, articles, news reports and other material for publication, broadcast or interactive media and co-ordina...
$54,746 +7.3% 85
An influencer is someone with a specific niche who posts and interacts with others frequently on one or more social media platforms with a dedicated f...
Interpreters translate oral communication from one language to another during speeches, meetings, conferences, debates or in front of courts/tribunals...
$57,720 +17.53% 16
Public Relations Consultants
Specialists in public relations and communications develop and implement communication and promotion strategies and information programs, publicize a...
$61,110 +21.61% 7
Software Engineer
Software engineers and designers research, design, evaluate, integrate and maintain software applications, technical environments, operating systems, ...
$81,682 +10.62% 112
Speech-Language Pathologists
Audiologists and speech-language pathologists diagnose, evaluate and treat human communication disorders including hearing, speech, language and voice...
$74,360 +25.35% 23
Technical Writers
Technical and specifications writers analyze material such as specifications, notes, and drawings and write manuals, user guides, and other documents ...
$57,533 +8.81% 3
Translators translate, revise, and correct a variety of written material from one language to another while maintaining the content, context, and styl...
$57,720 +17.53% 17
Web Site Designers and Developers
Web designers and developers create, develop and maintain Internet and Intranet Web sites. They consult with clients to establish the nature and conte...
$56,326 +13.97% 10
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