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908 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship Field of Study Value Deadline
AltaLink Centennial Scholarship Any $1,000 n/s
NAIT Athlete of the Year Award - Spring Any $500 n/s
Dawn Foods Award - Spring. Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef $200 n/s
Ernest E. Poole Award Carpentry/Carpenter $2,250 n/s
Jason Lang Scholarship Any $1,000 n/s
Ooks Athletic Association Scholarship - Women's Soccer - Fall Any $500 n/s
Canadian Woodworking Machinery Distributors Association Cabinetmaking Bursary Carpentry/Carpenter $300 n/s
Leslie Carol Douglas Bursary Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist $2,000 n/s
Libra Bursary I Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians, OtherComputer Systems Networking and TelecommunicationsRadio, Television, and Digital Communication, Other $5,000 n/s
The Princess Auto Foundation Bursaries - Millwork and Carpentry Cabinetmaking and Millwork/Millwright $2,500 n/s
Friends of NAIT Scholarship Any $1,000 n/s
CONTAVA Inc. Scholarship - Fall Computer Engineering Technology/TechnicianComputer Technology/Computer Systems TechnologyDigital Communication and Media/MultimediaElectrical, Electronic and Comm. Engin. Tech./TechnicianInformation TechnologyTelecommunications Technology/Technician, more... $500 n/s
Dr. Michael E. Shewchuk Award Dental Assisting/Assistant $1,250 n/s
Metis Scholar Entrance Awards Any $2,500 n/s
Robert Alford Milestone Entrance Scholarship Any $1,000 n/s
Alberta Excellence in Agriculture Scholarship Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, OtherAgriculture, General $1,500 n/s
Iron Fit Personal Training Scholarship Health and Physical Education, General $500 January 31, 2025
Fiona Cameron Memorial Award Animal Health $1,500 n/s
Insight Medical Imaging - Medical Radiologic Technology Scholarship Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist $1,000 n/s
Andrew K. Lee Award Engineering Technologies/Technicians, OtherSurveying Engineering $1,500 n/s
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