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854 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship Field of Study Value Deadline
Robert D. Durward Memorial Scholarship Accounting n/s n/s
Computer Science Entrance Award Computer Science $150 n/s
Technology Group (Machine and Electronic Shop) Scholarship Biology/Biological Sciences, GeneralChemistry, GeneralGeology/Earth Science, GeneralPhysics, General n/s n/s
Melvin Perlman Bursary (Sociology) Sociology $330 n/s
Frederick H. Casler Memorial Awards in Greek and Latin Ancient/Classical Greek Language and LiteratureLatin Language and Literature n/s n/s
Milton Frederick Pummell Memorial Scholarship Education, General n/s n/s
Prospectors and Developers Assoc. of Canada Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop Award Geology/Earth Science, General n/s n/s
Student International Mobility Award Any $500 n/s
PRECIPICe Prize for Visual Art Any n/s n/s
Lorna and Bob Savage Memorial Bursary Any n/s n/s
Brock University Exchange Program Bursary Any n/s n/s
Anne and Nicholas Kushner Bursary Any $320 n/s
Adam Neill Memorial Scholarship Business/Commerce, General n/s n/s
Alan Anderson Boyce Memorial English Language and Literature Bursary English Language and Literature, General n/s n/s
Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Earth Sciences Geology/Earth Science, GeneralTeacher Ed. and Prof. Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other n/s n/s
Bilodeau-Sinibaldi Award in Nursing Nursing, Other n/s n/s
Rita Welch Bursary Political Science and Government, General n/s n/s
Gord Dunkley Computer Science Entrance Award Computer Science n/s n/s
General Motors of Canada Brock Scholars Award Business/Commerce, GeneralComputer ScienceSemiconductor Manufacturing Technology n/s n/s
Anita Robertson Scholarship in Nursing Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse TrainingNurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care AssistantNursing, OtherNursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN)Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants, Other n/s n/s
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