Tag: Travel

Welcome to Discover! Here, you’ll discover content, tips and resources that will help you on your journey towards higher education and a successful career.
Taking a gap year can be a great way to assess your goals while developing your personal and professional skills.
Go On an Adventure with CBU’s Student Exchange Program
Want to travel the world while simultaneously working towards your degree? With Cape Breton University's student exchange program, you can!
Kristine Wong, PharmD, Reflects on Her Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience in South Africa
MCPHS student, Kristine Wong, PharmD, recently finished one of her clinical rotations, and she says it was a life-changing experience.
5 Reasons to Study Law at Bangor University
Discover why you should pursue a law degree right after high school at Bangor University in the UK.
Your Guide to Conquering Caribbean Medical School Admissions
Navigate your Caribbean medical school application process with these tips from Avalon University School of Medicine.
Learning Beyond the Classroom at University of Northern British Columbia
Get more out of your degree with these experiential learning opportunities at UNBC!
Life in Cape Breton
The beautiful island of Cape Breton is ready to be the backdrop for your next adventure!
From Trinidad and Tobago to Stetson Law School: Amadu Wilshire
Amadu Wilshire, Esq., runs his own law firm in the United States after completing his MA in International Law at Stetson.
Top 8 Questions to Ask When Considering Studying Abroad
Are you thinking of studying abroad? Consider asking these questions to discover your best options.
There are similarities and differences in these English language tests. Which is right for you?
Expand Your Horizons: Spring Education Events You Won
Education events are back across the country! Join us in Vancouver, Montréal, or Toronto this spring.
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