So, You’ve Applied! Now What?

By Ontario Tech University Modified on May 03, 2024
Tags : Campus Life | High School

The journey doesn't end with your application — it's just the beginning of an exciting chapter in your life!

 So, You’ve Applied! Now What?

This article was written by Aiden Dufty

After applying to university, the next steps are crucial in determining the path of your academic journey. Once you hit submit on your applications, it's important to stay organized and informed about what comes next. This includes keeping track of deadlines for submitting additional materials, such as transcripts and letters of recommendation, as well as staying updated on acceptance notifications.

Additionally, researching scholarship opportunities and financial aid options can help alleviate the financial burden of higher education. It's also a good idea to start thinking about housing arrangements, course selections, and any other preparations for the upcoming academic year. Remember, the journey doesn't end with the application — it's just the beginning of an exciting chapter in your life.

How long until I receive a response?

As the application process progresses, offers will be sent out on a rolling basis until the end of May. It's important to regularly check your applicant portal for the most up-to-date information regarding your application status. Be sure to stay on top of any communication from the university and be prepared to respond promptly to any requests for additional information. Remember, patience is key during this waiting period, and staying informed will help you navigate this exciting time in your academic journey.

Funding your education

Although it's worth it, university can be very expensive and you may be wondering what your options are for funding. Here at Ontario Tech, we offer various scholarships, bursaries, awards, and employment opportunities!

Scholarships, bursaries, and awards

Scholarships, bursaries, and awards are a form of financial aid that does not have to be paid back, it's sort of like free money! Of course, you do need to meet a few different criteria to qualify. These forms of financial aid are based on both personal and academic excellence meaning you don't need to be a straight-A student to qualify.

Our major entrance scholarships include:

  • Chancellor's Scholarship — one valued at $36,000 ($9,000 a year for four years) for a Canadian student.
  • President's Scholarship — two valued at $30,000 each ($7,500 a year for four years) for Canadian students.
  • Founder's Scholarship — two valued at $24,000 each ($6,000 a year for four years) for Canadian students.
  • Global Leadership Award — valued at $120,000 ($30,000 a year for four years) for international students.

There are many other scholarships, awards, and bursaries available. Check out our webpage for the full list and more information!

Employment opportunities

While it may not sound as enticing as "free money" through scholarships, I promise it is still a great option, Ontario Tech offers endless employment opportunities for students through a couple of different programs!

University Works

The University Works program offers both on-campus and sometimes remote employment opportunities specifically made for full-time undergraduate students, allowing them to gain valuable career-related experiences across various fields, regardless of their major. I'm a part of this program and trust me when I say it is such an amazing experience and my favourite job I've ever had!

Student jobs

The Office of Student Life offers lots of opportunities to get involved with academic support through several programs. This includes both paid and volunteer positions which allow students to share their knowledge and support other students in their academic journey.

Tour our campus

Why not come visit us in person to truly get a feel of what life as a Ridgeback is like? Learn all the best study spots, see our breathtaking campus, and ask all your burning questions to one of our fantastic tour guides! While you're here why not make a day out of it and see what else Oshawa has to offer?

We know this is a nerve-wracking time but it's still important to make the most out of your time and ensure you are well-versed in everything you need to know to be prepared to start the next era of your academic journey!

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