Related Scholarships

Below are the scholarships related to "Kinesiology"
11 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship School of StudyField of Study Value Deadline
Dr. Gordon L. Diewert Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise Science $1,000 n/s
Harold Hancheroff Memorial Scholarship in Sports Education Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise SciencePhysical Education Teaching and Coaching $1,200 n/s
National Bank Financial Award in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise Science $2,000 n/s
Dr. Tom Richardson Memorial Graduate Entrance Bursary Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise Science n/s n/s
Alumni Bursaries for Students in Kinesiology Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise Science n/s n/s
Alumni Scholarships for Students in Kinesiology Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise Science $2,000 n/s
Craig Asmundson BPK Engagement Award Simon Fraser University Biological and Biomedical Sciences, OtherKinesiology and Exercise Science $1,800 n/s
Dr. Josephine Anthony Award in BPK Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise Science $900 n/s
Dr. Reza Nouri BPK Community Leadership Award Simon Fraser University Kinesiology and Exercise Science $1,000 n/s
Dr. Reza Nouri BPK Undergraduate Award Simon Fraser University Biological and Biomedical Sciences, OtherKinesiology and Exercise Science $1,000 n/s
Forge Health Bursary in Kinesiology Simon Fraser University Biomedical Sciences, GeneralKinesiology and Exercise Science $1,000 n/s
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