Related Scholarships

Below are the scholarships related to "Powerline Technician"
6 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship School of StudyField of Study Value Deadline
EQUS Women in Powerline Technician Scholarship NAIT Lineworker $1,000 n/s
Evan Horkoff Memorial Scholarship I NAIT Lineworker $1,250 n/s
Evan Horkoff Memorial Scholarship II NAIT Lineworker $1,250 n/s
Evan Horkoff Memorial Scholarship III NAIT Lineworker $1,250 n/s
MacPherson Apprenticeship Bursary NAIT Carpentry/CarpenterConstruction Trades, GeneralElectricianLineworkerPlumbing and Related Water Supply Services, OtherPlumbing Technology/Plumber, more... $1,500 n/s
The Order of the Eastern Star Edmonton Chapter # 19 Bursary II NAIT ElectricianLineworker $1,000 n/s